Is it too early for lunch?

I get up early in the morning, about 5:30 a.m., and work out between 5-6 days a week.  After I exercise, I eat breakfast.  Lately it’s just been:

-one or two pieces of multigrain bread and some peanut butter.

Not natural PB, but it is low in sugar anyway.  And water.  I almost only drink water, because it’s my favorite drink.

I am hungry within 1 or two hours, and when I get hungry, I just want to eat.  I don’t want to peel anything or cook.  This morning, I had:

-a banana.

By 9:30, I was really hungry, and I wanted lunch.  Is 9:30 a..m. too early for lunch?  I ate leftovers from last night:

-quesadillas (made on flour tortillas)

-roasted sweet potatoes and onions

-homemade guacamole

Probably not enough protein in there yet, and not enough fruits/vegetables.

I’ll go type the recipe for the sweet potatoes now . . .

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